As a Myofascial Therapist my treatments focuses on improving structural alignment, balance, flexibility and movement patterns, while reducing chronic pain and soft-tissue restrictions.
What is Fascia?
Fascia is a specialized system of the body that has an appearance similar to a spider's web or a sweater. Fascia is very densely woven, covering and interpenetrating every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein, as well as, all of our internal organs including the heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord. The most interesting aspect of the fascial system is that it is not just a system of separate coverings. It is actually one continuous structure that exists from head to toe without interruption. In this way you can begin to see that each part of the entire body is connected to every other part by the fascia, like the yarn in a sweater.
Trauma, inflammatory responses, and/or surgical procedures create Myofascial restrictions that can produce tensile pressures of approximately 2,000 pounds per square inch on pain sensitive structures that do not show up in many of the standard tests (x-rays, myelograms, CAT scans, electromyography, etc.) A high percentage of people suffering with pain and/or lack of motion may be having fascial problems, but are not diagnosed.
Causes of Myofascial Pain
Myofascial pain can have two sources. Pain can be generated from the skeletal muscle or connective tissues that are 'bound down' by tight fascia. In addition, pain can also be generated from damaged myofascial tissue itself, sometimes at a 'trigger point' where a contraction of muscle fibers has occurred. In either case, the restriction or contraction inhibits blood flow to the affected structures, thus accentuating the contraction process further unless the area is treated.
What is Fascia?
Fascia is a specialized system of the body that has an appearance similar to a spider's web or a sweater. Fascia is very densely woven, covering and interpenetrating every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein, as well as, all of our internal organs including the heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord. The most interesting aspect of the fascial system is that it is not just a system of separate coverings. It is actually one continuous structure that exists from head to toe without interruption. In this way you can begin to see that each part of the entire body is connected to every other part by the fascia, like the yarn in a sweater.
Trauma, inflammatory responses, and/or surgical procedures create Myofascial restrictions that can produce tensile pressures of approximately 2,000 pounds per square inch on pain sensitive structures that do not show up in many of the standard tests (x-rays, myelograms, CAT scans, electromyography, etc.) A high percentage of people suffering with pain and/or lack of motion may be having fascial problems, but are not diagnosed.
Causes of Myofascial Pain
Myofascial pain can have two sources. Pain can be generated from the skeletal muscle or connective tissues that are 'bound down' by tight fascia. In addition, pain can also be generated from damaged myofascial tissue itself, sometimes at a 'trigger point' where a contraction of muscle fibers has occurred. In either case, the restriction or contraction inhibits blood flow to the affected structures, thus accentuating the contraction process further unless the area is treated.
ROCK TAPE CERTIFIEDNormalizing Muscle Tone and Peaking Performance at Fatigue THE FACTS
Rock Tape is made of a mix of tightly woven, elasticated cotton and nylon fibers. The quality and combination of the materials are important, as the tape has to be able to face the demands of movement without restriction, and be very flexible. You can wear it for up to a whole week, as the acrylic glue that coats the skin-facing side withstands sweat, moisture, and all kinds of vigorous movement – even underwater. Other than the glue; there’s nothing in the tape – no lotions or potions. Yet it can reduce pain; enhance function and lessen fatigue. It gives athletes that competitive edge, and naysayers become converts once they try it. Rock Tape is used clinically to achieve the following benefits: Reduce pain Drain swelling Improve posture Improve function Facilitate early return to activity or sport Improve sporting performance Oh Yeah? Where’s the Proof? People who study Rock Tape and its effects would be the first to tell you that although they can explain what the tape does – lifting the epidermis; aiding separation of fascial layers, etc. – that they have no idea how it actually works. Athletes cannot afford to waste valuable time or energy pursuing methods that are ineffective, so the worldwide popularity of RockTape worn by professionals whose careers rely on peak performance is a great indicator of the proof being in the pudding. It works; end of story as far as users are concerned. Proven Results of Rock Tape is clinically effective at reducing pain and enhancing performance, and there are a slew of ongoing studies and independent academic research on exactly how. What the studies have shown to date is that Rock Tape can: Improve power and strength in uninjured muscles Raise the anaerobic threshold of muscle during endurance activity Improve pain, range of motion and function in people with shoulder impingement Reduce pain and improve function in painful conditions like plantar fascitis and Patello-femoral pain. The elastic qualities of Rock Tape induce a decompressive effect between skin and the underlying tissues. This decompression has three primary effects: The Mechanical Effect: Rock Tape is designed to mimic the elasticity of human skin; muscle and connective tissue in its ‘stretchability’. This aids the body by adding a degree of stabilization without rigidity; restoring good glide mechanics between layers of tissue and fascia for smooth movement. The Neurological Effect: Sticking Rock Tape to your skin reduces pressure and compression from injury and inflammation. When tape is in place, it provides a non-painful stimulus, which interferes with the pain signals being sent to the brain – think of rubbing your shin if you knock it against something to alleviate the initial ‘ouch’ factor. If you place Rock Tape over tight muscles or injured tissue, it aids the body’s active stabilization process by changing the feedback and activity of the nerves in the area. The Fluid Effect: The tape, with its elastic properties, lifts the skin vertically away from the underlying tissues, decompressing the subcutaneous space. This area contains lots of blood vessels, nerve endings, and so on, so when given more space by the lifting effect of the tape, blood and nutrient flow improves in and out of the taped area. Improved blood and nutrient flow in; improved waste product and lymphatic flow out means more oxygen available to muscles; rapid removal of products produced by injury and inflammation, promoting faster healing; reducing pain and allowing unimpeded performance. |
CranioSacral Therapy
What is CranioSacral Therapy?
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance. It was pioneered and developed by Osteopathic Physician John E. Upledger after years of clinical testing and research at Michigan State University where he served as professor of biomechanics.
Using a soft touch which is generally no greater than 5 grams - about the weight of a nickel - practitioners release restrictions in the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system. CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and it's effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction.
View our Testimonials, including a video link from MCNBC with Aetna CEO.
How does CranioSacral Therapy Work? Few structures have as much influence over the body's ability to function properly as the brain and spinal cord that make up the central nervous system. And, the central nervous system is heavily influenced by the craniosacral system - the membranes and fluid that surround, protect and nourish the brain and spinal cord.
Every day your body endures stresses and strains that it must work to compensate for. Unfortunately, these changes often cause body tissues to tighten and distort the craniosacral system. These distortions can then cause tension to form around the brain and spinal cord resulting in restrictions. This can create a barrier to the healthy performance of the central nervous system, and potentially every other system it interacts with.
Fortunately, such restrictions can be detected and corrected using simple methods of touch. With a light touch, the CST practitioner uses his or her hands to evaluate the craniosacral system by gently feeling various locations of the body to test for the ease of motion and rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid pulsing around the brain and spinal cord. Soft-touch techniques are then used to release restrictions in any tissues influencing the craniosacral system.
By normalizing the environment around the brain and spinal cord and enhancing the body's ability to self-correct, CranioSacral Therapy is able to alleviate a wide variety of dysfunctions, from chronic pain and sports injuries to stroke and neurological impairment.
What conditions does CranioSacral Therapy address?
- Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury
- Migraines and Headaches
- Chronic Neck and Back Pain
- Autism
- Stress and Tension-Related Disorders
- Motor-Coordination Impairments
- Infant and Childhood Disorders
- Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries
- Chronic Fatigue
- Fibromyalgia
- TMJ Syndrome
- Scoliosis
- Central Nervous System Disorders
- Learning Disabilities
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Orthopedic Problems
- And Many Other Conditions
Can I take CST courses if I'm not a healthcare professional? Many states and provinces require a license to touch in order to practice CranioSacral Therapy. Check with your state or province to determine what laws apply.
For any state/province that does not require a hands-on license to perform CranioSacral Therapy, the following minimum prerequisite study is required:
- 80 hours of Anatomy and Physiology and 15 hours of Pathology. One way to satisfy this requirement is through the home study coursework, Upledger Health Science Essentials, available through the London (Ontario) College of Osteopathy.
- 4 hours of ethics, from an accredited professional organization or school.
Is there any condition for which CST shouldn't be used? There are certain situations where application of CST would not be recommended. These include conditions where a variation and/or slight increase in intracranial pressure would cause instability. Acute aneurysm, cerebral hemorrhage or other preexisting severe bleeding disorders are examples of conditions that could be affected by small intracranial pressure changes.
How many CranioSacral Therapy sessions will I need? Response to CST varies from individual to individual and condition to condition. Your response is uniquely your own and can't be compared to anyone else's - even those cases that may appear to be similar to your own. The number of sessions needed varies widely - from just one up to three or more a week over the course of several weeks.
When was CranioSacral Therapy developed? It was in 1970, during a neck surgery in which he was assisting, that osteopathic physician John E. Upledger first observed the rhythmic movement of what would soon be identified as the craniosacral system. None of his colleagues nor any of the medical texts at the time could explain this discovery, however.
His curiosity piqued, Dr. Upledger began searching for the answer. He started with the research of Dr. William Sutherland, the father of cranial osteopathy. For some 20 years beginning in the early 1900s, Sutherland had explored the concept that the bones of the skull were structured to allow for movement. For decades after, this theory remained at odds with the beliefs of the scientific and medical communities. Dr. Upledger believed, however, that if Sutherland's theory of cranial movement was in fact true, this would help explain, and make feasible, the existence of the rhythm he had encountered in surgery.
It was at this point that Dr. Upledger set out to scientifically confirm the existence of cranial bone motion. From 1975 to 1983 he served as clinical researcher and Professor of Biomechanics at Michigan State University, where he supervised a team of anatomists, physiologists, biophysicists and bioengineers in research and testing. The results not only confirmed Sutherland's theory, but led to clarification of the mechanisms behind this motion - the craniosacral system. Dr. Upledger's continued work in the field ultimately resulted in his development of CranioSacral Therapy.
Dolphin MPS Neurostim
Breakthrough in Chronic Pain Treatment
The Dolphin Neurostim is the world’s first hybrid device specifically designed for the treatment of chronic/acute soft tissue pain. The Dolphin is not only safe, but very easy to use. It applies brief, concentrated microcurrent impulses to specific treatment points that naturally reduces nervous system STRESS and cortisol, relaxing muscle tone and releasing the body’s natural pain killers, endorphins. This multi-pronged effect on the body’s nervous, muscular and endocrine systems is the reason why the Dolphin Neurostim works so fast and effectively with many chronic pain conditions.
Dolphin was born out of neurology endorphin research of the 1980’s, which was the first time science recognized how special types of DC electro currents can positively influence the human body. Direct Current (DC-used in MPS) flows in one direction, is found in nature and “runs” your heart and nervous system. Alternating Current (AC) has a back and forth flow of current, and powers most of our household appliances and traditional TENS (Transcutaneous Electro Nerve Stimulator) devices. AC stimulation is man-made and is not found in nature.
Dolphin Neurostim produces microcurrent stimulation, thousands of times less in strength than traditional TENS devices, and delivered in a manner to “resonate” with the nervous system and influence dramatic cellular changes in organs, tissues and fascia. For this the Dolphin has been called “microcurrent biostimulation” because of its reported benefits on cellular physiology and growth.
MPS Pain TherapyThe application of the Dolphin to key acupuncture/trigger points outlined in this our protocol manual is called Microcurrent Point Stimulation or MPS Therapy. MPS combines the principles of western neurology, stress management, integrative dentistry, and scar therapy with Eastern acupuncture philosophies. The “pearls” of these therapies are then woven into unique easy-to-apply protocols that reduce STRESS and chronic pain throughout the human body.
1) Reduce Stress and Regulate the Autonomic Nervous System
2) Accelerate Cellular Healing
3) Relieve Chronic & Acute Pain
Dolphin and MPS therapy are the perfect adjunctive or stand alone modality to reduce stress, relax patients and improve functional outcomes. Professional can review below research to understand how MPS integrated with their own therapy skills can significantly improve patient outcomes.
Professionals: Improving Your Functional Pain OutcomesMPS provides for a scientifically documented 75-80% improvement in pain relief & functional outcomes.
MPS is the perfect adjunctive modality for any therapy setting. Apply prior to massage, manual mobilization, injections, dry needling or any exercise program for significantly accelerated patient healing & functional outcomes. As a standalone modality or adjunctively combined with other therapies, MPS is difficult to beat using conventional modalities for pain relief. Several recent studies prove the superiority of MPS therapy for chronic pain.
Dolphin was born out of neurology endorphin research of the 1980’s, which was the first time science recognized how special types of DC electro currents can positively influence the human body. Direct Current (DC-used in MPS) flows in one direction, is found in nature and “runs” your heart and nervous system. Alternating Current (AC) has a back and forth flow of current, and powers most of our household appliances and traditional TENS (Transcutaneous Electro Nerve Stimulator) devices. AC stimulation is man-made and is not found in nature.
Dolphin Neurostim produces microcurrent stimulation, thousands of times less in strength than traditional TENS devices, and delivered in a manner to “resonate” with the nervous system and influence dramatic cellular changes in organs, tissues and fascia. For this the Dolphin has been called “microcurrent biostimulation” because of its reported benefits on cellular physiology and growth.
MPS Pain TherapyThe application of the Dolphin to key acupuncture/trigger points outlined in this our protocol manual is called Microcurrent Point Stimulation or MPS Therapy. MPS combines the principles of western neurology, stress management, integrative dentistry, and scar therapy with Eastern acupuncture philosophies. The “pearls” of these therapies are then woven into unique easy-to-apply protocols that reduce STRESS and chronic pain throughout the human body.
1) Reduce Stress and Regulate the Autonomic Nervous System
2) Accelerate Cellular Healing
3) Relieve Chronic & Acute Pain
Dolphin and MPS therapy are the perfect adjunctive or stand alone modality to reduce stress, relax patients and improve functional outcomes. Professional can review below research to understand how MPS integrated with their own therapy skills can significantly improve patient outcomes.
Professionals: Improving Your Functional Pain OutcomesMPS provides for a scientifically documented 75-80% improvement in pain relief & functional outcomes.
MPS is the perfect adjunctive modality for any therapy setting. Apply prior to massage, manual mobilization, injections, dry needling or any exercise program for significantly accelerated patient healing & functional outcomes. As a standalone modality or adjunctively combined with other therapies, MPS is difficult to beat using conventional modalities for pain relief. Several recent studies prove the superiority of MPS therapy for chronic pain.
There are several ways that scars and physical trauma can directly affect muscles, leading to everything from a strain in day to day activities, to greatly decreased athletic performance. Here are the three primary ways in which they can impact our muscles.
- Upregulate the Sympathetic Nervous System
When the body experiences trauma, the sympathetic nervous system becomes upregulated, and stress is produced within the body, increasing vagal tone, which then leads to muscle hypertonicity. - Strain & Pull Fascia
When our body creates scars as a result of physical trauma, such as an accident or surgery, our body’s fascia, which connects to all muscles and organs of the body, can become strained and pulled. One small strain can cause significant muscle imbalances throughout the body, producing pain and muscle weakness often far removed from scar or trauma site. - Create Adhesions
In some instances, physical trauma, such as surgery, or illness, can cause adhesions, or internal scarring, inside the muscles and body. Adhesions reduce muscle performance (shutting down) and produce pain.
Volume 2, Issue 2
Microcurrent Point Stimulation Applied to Acupuncture Points for the Treatment of Non-Specific Lower Back Pain
Antoine Chevalier PhD-ND (cand), Kelly Armstrong, OTR/L, MPP, Raman Gokal, MBChB, MD, FRCP
Although acupuncture and microcurrent are widely used for chronic pain, there remains considerable controversy as to their therapeutic value. We aimed to determine in an observational study the effect size of DC Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) applied to acupuncture points for 68 non-specific chronic back pain patients in a cohort analysis of treatment outcomes pre-post and follow-up MPS.
A detailed comparative analysis of the effects of DC MPS on patient pain levels when applied to standardized acupuncture pain protocol was evaluated; this entailed a standard protocol baseline VAS (VAS) pain scale before and after post electro-therapy and after a two day follow-up. A total of 68 patients with non-specific lower back pain were recruited, all of whom received MPS in 1 session. Pain intensity was measured by visual analog scale at baseline, post and 48 hour follow-up. The VAS response of this patient sample with chronic pain following MPS applied to standard acupuncture pain protocol reflected a statistically significant reduction of 3.088 (95% CI (2.715, 3.462); P=0.001). This corresponds to a mean reduc-tion of 62%; from 5.00 to 1.88, in pain levels post treatment when compared to initial pain levels. There was also further statistically significant reduction of 0.632 (33%) in follow-up pain scores, when compared to post pain levels [95% CI (0.295, 0.969); p=0.0001], for a total end pain relief of 75%. The positive results in this study could have significant and positive implications for patients afflicted with chronic back pain.
International Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine
Gokal R(1), Armstrong K(2), Durant J(3), Todorsky W(4), Miller L(5)
Volume 10 Issue 3 – 2017
1 University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
2 Women’s Integrative Healing, USA
3 Brunswick, USA
4 Jacksonville, USA
5 Advanced Pain Rehab, USA
*Corresponding author: Dr. Gokal R, University of Manchester, Consultant nephrologists, Royal infirmary, Manchester, UK
Received: December 12, 2017 | Published: December 28, 2017
The Successful Treatment of Chronic Pain Using Microcurrent Point Stimulation Applied to Scars
Objectives: Although microcurrent is widely used for chronic pain and stress management, as well as scar or neural therapy as a popular approach for the treatment of pain, there remains considerable controversy as to their combined therapeutic value in chronic pain management. We aimed to determine the effect and magnitude that DC microcurrent therapy has when applied to physical scars and its effects on a wide variety of non-specific chronic pain syndromes.
Design: This was a cohort study analysis of treatment outcomes pre, post and 48-hour follow-up after Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) was applied to physical scars on 51 patients with history of non-specific pain.
Interventions: An MPS Scar Release protocol was applied bi-laterally to physical scars. Evaluations entailed a baseline Visual Analogue Score (VAS) pain scale assessment, which was repeated after an electro-therapy treatment and 48 hours later. All 51 patients received one Microcurrent Point Stimulation Scar Release session.
Outcome Measures: The VAS response of the 51 patient sample with chronic pain reflected a statistically significant reduction of 3.706 points or 59% reduction in mean pain levels post MPS Scar Release application, when compared to initial pain levels [95% CI (3.033, 4.379; p=0.0001]. When VAS was measured at 48-hour follow-up, there was another statistically significant reduction of 0.902 points or 34% reduction in mean pain levels post treatment [95% CI (0.406, 1.398; p=0.001]. Together, MPS Scar Release protocol produced a statistically significant reduction of 4.608 points or 73% reduction in mean pain levels post treatment, when compared to initial pain levels [95% CI (3.940, 5.275); p=0.0001].
Conclusion: The positive results in this study could have applications to patients who have physical scars and are impacted by chronic pain syndromes.
MyoKinesthetic System
What Makes The MyoKinesthetic System Work?
Dr. Uriarte developed a global assessment that detects compensations within the nervous system. These compensations appear as postural abnormalities and result in physical impairment. The goal is to evaluate and treat posture imbalances to restore allostasis. Cause and Compensation If we had a fall or lifted something heavy incorrectly, something strange happened to our body. A muscle on the left went short, so a muscle on the right side of our body lengthened to compensate. These two muscles tell the brain where they are relative to the one constant we all share: Gravity. The brain now tells other muscles where to go in relation to these muscles so we can stand as straight as possible ... with the most range of motion in each joint possible … with the least amount of pain. Muscle Memory With the MyoKinesthetic System, we are trying to find the cause and clear it so all the compensations will clear away, too. This is not Chiropractic. At no time do we manipulate or "pop" bones. Instead, we go to work on the muscles. We stimulate each muscle along one nerve pathway. Deep, light, with cross-friction, or something else, whatever way you want to generate the stimulation is fine. We can treat the origin, insertion, belly, or all three, all will work because we're looking for the nerve endings within the muscles to send a signal to the brain that say's "there's a change happening here. "The brain receives this information and makes changes to it. This means that by working on the “cause” pathway, the brain automatically fixes the “compensation” pathway. What this really means is less physical work on the practitioner, with better results. We’ve used “muscle memory” to our advantage: more balanced, greater range of motion and a decrease in pain that lasts. Unique and Revolutionary There is simply nothing else like it. The MyoKinesthetic System is not a repackaged technique. It is the result of more than 20 years of hands-on research and development. The difference is in the treatment: Which muscles do we treat together to clear the entire peripheral nervous system pathway. By focusing on the nervous system while working on the muscular system, the MYK System: